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We wanted to make sure that our employees have best-in-class healthcare and keep them from being one of these statistics, which is why we made some changes. Queer people are 3x more likely to avoid care 50% less likely to get the prescriptions they need and 29% of trans people surveyed by the Center for American Progress reported being refused medical care because of their actual or perceived gender identity. Members of the LGBTQ+ community have much lower participation in the healthcare system than straight people because it’s often hard to find medical providers who are both compassionate and competent in issues they typically face. We hope we can work with other companies to help them follow suit. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with Level, FOLX, and Included Health to provide more holistic and inclusive healthcare options for our employees, with specific focus on gender affirmation assistance for our trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming employees.

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At Grindr, we believe all companies, including health insurance companies, should move to an informed consent model for all gender-affirming care.

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